Buying Life Insurance - Points to Ponder

At KRISTIANSENS our recommendations are based on sound research! We put a lot of thought into our business and do not merely dish up a quotation but give careful deliberation as to whether the Insurer quoted has your best interests at heart as a single Insurer may not necessarily give you the effective cover you require.

We are not a call centre but specialists with over 30 years industry experience!

Our Life Insurance will ensure immediate monies are paid to your Family on death ie within 48 hours

Buying Life Insurance

Some of the following points will guide you in determining which concerns should be considered as a priority:

  • Debts to be settled
  • Family Income Needs
  • Business Agreements that must be funded
  • Benefits that a “simple Life Insurance Policy“ should offer

  • The infamous fine print – a serious matter is that any Disability, Dread Disease Cover or Income Protection policies should be analysed if taken out before 2017 as the cover might be more limited on the older policies.

    Another option which can be linked to your Will, known as an Estate Preserver will cost effectively settle all Estate Expenses, thus leaving your personal cover direct to your Spouse/Beneficiaries whereby they, without financial worries can more easily adjust during this traumatic time!

    Do not buy the cheapest quote - We offer a free quote comparison service to assist you to make the right decision!

    Some Important Considerations

    Can you claim your Life Insurance in the event of being "terminally ill" i.e before you die?

    In a serious medical crisis our recommended Life Cover could be claimed as a Disability Benefit.

    On Death is there "an immediate expenses benefit" which will make an initial payment within 48 hours so that there is money available during this traumatic time? Bureaucratic claim delays could cause your Family to sit with a cash crunch

    Why do Call Centres and Advisors sell Disability Benefits which are cancelled at age 65?

    Can you afford to have Disability Benefits being cancelled at age 65, a serious retirement risk?

    An Educational Policy is cheaper than Life Insurance and guarantees your Child's Education

    Spouse's Cover

    Spouses often do not have the necessary Life Insurance, a serious Family oversight - after all Dad would also need some financial support in a crisis.

    Severe Illness (Dread Disease) is also important.It's really traumatic if a Spouse is diagnosed with a serious ilnness and funds are limited.

    A Thought in Passing!

    A Man and Woman would like their Legacy to be of fond memories by their loved ones! This would be underpinned by the smooth winding up of your affairs.

    Unfortunately bureaucrats stuff up at every turn, and one can expect delays at the Master's Office, Doctor's reports being delayed etc – therefore Estate Liquidity is essential to minimise the trauma on loved ones.

    We therefore believe one’s portfolio must carefully match Family & Business needs.

    Services Offered by Kristiansens Insurance Risk Analysts

    Need a quotation for life insurance?

    Simply fill out and submit the form below with NO OBLIGATION and we will call you for a discussion on your requirements and to provide your quotation without delay! Alternatively if you pefer, give us a call on +27 (0)81 422 2880 (including WhatsApp) or Chat on WhatsApp
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